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금산인삼 글로벌 트레이드(영문)

Geumsan story

Ginseng from Geumsan

Ginseng is heavily affected by its growing environment, geographical conditions and collecting period, and Geumsan has natural advantage for cultivating ginseng, with a large daily temperature range. Geumsan ginseng is small, but hard and white in color, compared to ginseng from other areas. Geumsan ginseng that has 1500 years of history, are called summer ginseng as they are collected from beginning of July until end of October where its pharmacological action is at its highest level. Compared to ginseng from other areas, Geumsan ginseng (summer ginseng) contains 5.2% more saponin, which is the main ingredient of ginseng. ​

Ginseng Shapes and Uses for Each Part


Flowers begin to bloom when the ginseng is 3 years old
The berries, which are initially green, turn red as they become ripe. The berries are picked and dried to be used as seeds.


Ginseng leaves have a long petiole, and the leaf blades divide into five sections, with several smaller leaves attached to a single leafstalk. The tip is sharp, and the edges have a saw-toothed shape.


This is the part of ginseng that is widely used for consumption and medicinal purposes.

Top part (head)

Ginseng is a perennial plant, and its leaves and shoots wither and die every year. Traces are left behind at the top part of the ginseng. In the case of fresh ginseng, those with a large top part are considered most valuable. Korean ginsengs are characterized by the large head, which is bigger compared to the ginsengs produced in other regions.

Main root (body)

This is the central part of the ginseng. It is processed into various forms for consumption and medicinal purposes.


A single ginseng typically have two to five rootlets. The number of rootlets varies depending on the soil quality, cultivation method, age, etc.

Fine roots

Fine roots alone are called “Misam” in Korean. They are used to make ginseng tea, etc.

Different types of ginseng

Classification according to its growing environment

Cultivated ginseng

Artificially grown ginseng at ginseng farm. Geumsan is the biggest producer at district level.

Wood-cultivated Ginseng

Artificially grown ginseng from wild ginseng seed in the natural forest.

Wild ginseng

Wildly grown ginseng in natural conditions of deep forest.

Classification according to areas of production

Goryeo[Korean] ginseng

It has strong aroma/scent and great medicinal effect as it is cultivated for 180 days, which is longer cultivation period, compared to ginseng from other countries (120 – 130 days)

American ginseng

Ginseng produced in United States and Canada that has similar roots to Korean ginseng, but its body is not smooth, with short rootlets and horizontal lines like skein.

Sanchi, tienchi seng

Grown mostly in areas from Northeast of China’s Yunnan province to Southwest of Guangxi province. Root is a taproot type and is bumpy and black in color. It is 3-4 cm long and has a shape of a sunchoke.

Japanese seng

Japanese seng has a shape of bamboo roots and hardly has any medicinal effect. It is widely distributed in Japanese islands, including Southern Hokkaido and Northern Kyushu, China’s Zhejiang Province, Hunan Province, Guizhou Province, Yunnan Province and Midwestern Sichuan Province, as well as Northern India and Nepal.

Classification according to processing procedures

Raw ginseng

Original from of 4-6 year old ginseng, straight from the ground. It is good to eat it raw, since it contains all the unique properties of ginseng. It is also consumed as beverages by blending it with honey or milk, as well as using it as ingredients for various dishes.

White ginseng

It is processed to have water contents under 14%, using 4-6-year-old raw ginseng as base material, with its skin is slightly peeled off and sun dried, but its original form is preserved. Long term storage is possible and it is mainly used in medicine and tea.

  • Straight ginseng : Dried body part of ginseng, without bending it.
  • Half- curved ginseng : Dried body part of ginseng, which is bent a half way.
  • Curved ginseng : Dried body part of ginseng, which is completely bent in a circle shape.
  • Fine roots : Dried rootlets, trimmed from ginseng
Red ginseng

Reddish brown product, made by steaming and drying raw ginseng. It can be divided into Heaven grade ginseng, Earth grade ginseng and Good grade ginseng according to its quality and can be stored for a long time. There is no trouble for people who shows allergic reaction to ginseng, consumes red ginseng and it is proven to have great responsiveness to various diseases, especially to AIDS and dioxin. It is good to consume it in various forms, such as extract, powder, capsules ad tea for a long term.


This product is halfway between white ginseng and red ginseng, where the raw ginseng’s part of the body is gelatinized from its outer layer by submerging it in hot water for a certain period of time, and then dried afterward. Its color and effect are very similar to red ginseng.