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금산인삼 글로벌 트레이드(영문)

Geumsan story

Geumsan ginseng’s leading brand

that carries on the legacy of Baekje ginseng

This product is manufactured in Geumsan, Korea where is the birthplace of Korea ginseng. It is made with ginseng produced in Korea, as a raw material. This product has acquired strict quality certification systems, including G mark, GAP, GMP, and HACCP certifications. Geumhong brand has its trademark registered in various ginseng consumption countries, including Korea, United States of America, China, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and etc.

Geumsan ginseng herbal co-brand, Geumhong

Geumhong, co-brand for Geumsan ginseng medicinal plant, make products under thorough management without any negligence, from cultivation proves to the final product. So, they fulfill their function as safe health supplement foods.

  • GAP(우수관리인증) 농림춘산심품부 Good Agriculture Practice Certified
  • 안전관리인증 HACCP 식품의약품안전처 Good Manufacturing Practice
  • 금홍심의위원회 Approval of the right to use trademark
  • 금홍 Geumhong products

Trademark approval and Certification mark

Products are made under thorough management without any negligence, from cultivation proves to the final product. They fulfill their function as safe health supplement foods.

  • 상표도안 Trademark design
  • 인증마크 Certification mark

Geumhong Association